Why should I take anything valuable into the wildy for pkers to have.
If I do go in I will take my chances, dont expect to have to ask permission.
If they want anything off me they can buy it.
I know my stats are pretty pathetic for my level.
But believe it or not, I've had this acoount for 6-7 years. I just made about 50 other accounts, and took 3 month long breaks between playing RS and not.
Lol...you think pkers are going to buy anything you take into the wildy? Good luck.
Pker: Hey can I have that zammy platebody?
You: Yeah you can buy it from me.
Pker: Yeah, ok.
No. They're going to try to kill you. They aren't there to buy stuff, they're there for making money, having fun, and KILLING other players.
I am sure i said i wouldnt take anything in to wildy.
Pkers have to come out to buy things.
If only skillers are working as rest are 2 lazy or are stood in wildy or both then thats their problem.
Dont expect Skillers to go into the wildy just because pkers say come kitty kitty.
Either way doesnt bother me.
We could get the best of everything if only SOME of the worlds reverted. Not everyone enjoyed the old wildy. I know it world be a bit more to maintain, bit it would be worth it.
And thats just what to expect from players who didnt play back then... There was some honor not to kill no-itemers in wilderness... Its just pathetic when people think they are pro when they kill no-itemer.
As Ryane said - To have that option where one can choose to pk and be pk'ed, or where a player can choose to not have the ability to pk and not be pk'ed. Personally I think this would be a good idea because it evens it out for all the treasure trailers out there.They will still have the danger of revenants so it won't take away that risk of dieing.
This is if the old wilderness comes back of course.
If you get rip-off or killed in wilderness, it's your own fault. You gotta be morem responsibe for yourself nowadays.
With this update, jagex might lose 10k players, but they will gain 200k players back.