@Sir then spare a thought for us pkers, looking from the point of view now @ the bh worlds we dont really profit from the drops as we lose too much on pots and foods and armours if sometimes we do die there, this is almost as good as perm destroying the aspects of pking so why not spare a thought for them? if wilds back what u guys will not benifit is just a harder-to-do clue scroll? and if they dont bring it back us pkers will start to have nothing to do on runescape so what u expect?
as again i will repeat for the last time, looking from the majority that votes about the things u guys have been ``complaining'' about is 90% > 10% so what more u want to say here? why would jagex be stupid and not go with the majority but the other side and get more of their players quitting the game?
Fraser you will still only be able to profit as you put it from players willing to go into the wildy instead of willing to go to a pk world.
This may just work out for Skillers who work, may be cash to be made from ripping off, errr I mean selling to pkers.
No doubt the pkers would be against that though as it wouldnt be in their favour.
To specify to you, I dont care if Wildy comes back, Im agains the whole thing because it also brings back free trade which ruins the GE.
@Waternoose... Rofl you cant be serious? There was only YES option when you didnt need to log in, so ppl who were agains it had no chance since they couldnt even vote
26-Dec-2010 20:01:30
- Last edited on
26-Dec-2010 20:03:32
Sir Tissi
Water how can it be fair?
There was only one option.
If there had been both yes and no options it may have been fairer, but certainly not fair.
It was a count not a vote.
If Jagex isn't stupid, then when they bring back the free trade and wilderness, they will have a few worlds without the wilderness so clue people can stop complaining about pkers even though the "treasure hunters" are the vast minority.
And that wont happen. There are pk worlds now where people can kill other ANYWHERE and your still complaining? No, i dont need your useless talk about loot system I know it well.
Sorry got the petition/vote mixed up.
Maybe it wasn't fair, but the majority of players clearly have wanted free trade and wilderness back, as shown in the vote.