
Wildy/Free Trade referendum... Thread is locked

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Posts: 24 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For someone who is so against PKing, how would you know what its like to PK? I do it for the drops and for the thrill, PVP worlds and Bounty Hunter don't satisfy the thrill or the drops that Wilderness in 2006 brought us/me.
I'm looking forward to the update, and can't wait to get back to the "Good Old Days"
The vote is 88% in favour of Wilderness and Free Trade, your complaining isn't going to make a difference.

24-Dec-2010 13:24:43 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2010 13:40:06 by Adnetwork



Posts: 24 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"- Content located in the Wilderness will be reviewed as follows:
- Quests (e.g. Spirit of Summer) and Activities (e.g. Clan Wars) will be relocated
- Other content (e.g. Treasure Trails, the Beacon Network and D&Ds) will be looked at on a case-by-case basis."
I'm tired of reading the same posts from the same people complaining, I suggest you read through the moderators post again.

24-Dec-2010 13:25:04 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2010 13:38:53 by Adnetwork



Posts: 73 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
im not sure if its been said already, but..., why cant we vote yes for one of the options and no for the other, e.g. i want free trade but really dont see the point in wildy, we have pvp worlds already wildy pk'ing offers nothing it just makes things complicated and a whole load of work for the coders i think if the vote system was different we would see a differnt stats all together
prolly like 90% yes free trade
10% no free trade
3% yes wildy
97% no wildy
(insert joke about 99.9% stats are bull) its just an exampl^
but majority of people i speak to want free trade but no wildy however we dont get this option as a vote.
perhap we reset the poll and have a new vote system?

24-Dec-2010 13:25:42 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2010 13:26:32 by 4rune2445

Ur Grace

Ur Grace

Posts: 8 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I agree that to get an accurate account of what players want they should separate the issues.
trade limits- I miss the days of being able to help new or lower players or giving and receiving gifts w/o the trade limit getting in the way of generosity. I honestly dont care to much about this issue but I do fondly remember the d-hachet my husband gave me the x-mas before trade limits,
or the long time friend I made that gifted me with steel armour to replace my bronze when i firsst started.
GE- I actually prefer the GE as I do not like standing around trying to sell pots or herbs or loot. I Love dropping off "sell" items and heading to a task. I finally started making some money when I didnt have to deal directly with people. I do not miss the days where you couldnt walk anywhere w/o people trading you or demanding you sell your items. As I have no clue what to charge for alot of my stuff I appreciate the "market value" information.
wild- OK here I am very torn. I absolutely do not want a return of Hordes waiting to chase me down and kill me as soon as I step over the line. I do not miss the days of watching people being "lured" to the wild because they dont know any better. I agree the wild needs something more than its current threat but a balance of some kind between danger and absolute death if possible.
and to the person above that asked if we'd get our itmes back if killed in the wild the answer is no. no gravestones, even if there were grave stones, the gang that killed you would just wait for you to return to kill you again so what would be the point. At least with revs theres a good chance of getting back my best armour if I happen to get caught with it. I think the option to choose pk or no is interesting but... whats to stop some one from choosing "not to pk" so they dont get surprised and killed but then re-opting "to pk" when they see a choice target? and then back again after they'd gotten their kill done. the logistics seem impossible.

24-Dec-2010 13:29:29



Forum Moderator Posts: 46,118 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Isn't it amazing how much slower the count goes up when you have to log in?
I hope it doesn't come back because I don't think it will work out and keep RWT and bots out, but if you are going with player vote, at least it is fairer now.
Now that the moved quests will be easier (no rev danger just in moving around the quest area) are you going to give less xp rewards to the relocated quests? Are you going to make them more difficult so that they are still worthy of the reward given? One way of the other, they'd need rebalanced.

24-Dec-2010 13:29:50



Posts: 956 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lickus, come duel arena and we'll see. Put up or shut up.
Oh, and what are the other reasons besides the thrill of the kill and the drops? None. So, I really don't understand that pathetic-excuse-of-an argument was about.
Furthermore, I know PKers, so I don't have to do something to know about it.
Come on, Lickus, meet me a duel arena or Clan Wars. What's the matter? Not gonna turn up? Didn't think you would. All talk and can't walk.
At least I make valid arguments, you don't, LickusDickus.
Go back to PKing because you can only succeed in going for lower levels, that must be why you're a successful PKer! Yes! That's the reason why you're so pro at PKing!

24-Dec-2010 13:33:30 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2010 13:35:03 by RyanTheLion

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