
Wildy/Free Trade referendum... Thread is locked

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Posts: 198 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is a cool debate, and i enjoy explaining to people the benefits of old wildy and free trade.(because of the troll hidden deep within me :) )
But even if i was against it, what good is it now? the majority voted and we see what they want.

90% wants the old way. just leave it be lol not like jagex would pull a total "overhaul", (according to another poster) and change the way they plan to do it because 8% of people are too lazy and scared to enjoy runescape.

26-Dec-2010 14:50:29 - Last edited on 26-Dec-2010 15:27:33 by Deadlysins

Sep Member 2023


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@ Branioc

26-Dec-2010 13:45:13
Last edited on 26-Dec-2010 13:50:22 by Branioc
I mentioned i have no objection to a dangerous wildy but to one so in favour of one type of player over and above all others it makes that area effectively unacceptable to many.
Oh and I guess the humungous world of runescape outside the wilderness isn't biased towards 1 type of player is it? Stop whining, you have no legitimate arguement for being against this wilderness other than you're a massive noob and you need to L2P. I used to get pked while runecrafting. Wanna know what I did? I either changed world or I geared up and fought back. What's wrong with you doing the same? You're just a whiney little noob who wants the game as easy as possible because you lack the skill or brain power to find an alternative. Hopefully you will be one of the ones who "will quit" along with all the other fails against this change.

26-Dec-2010 15:07:53

Sep Member 2023


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@ Bedtimebeast
You're making it sound like the only thing that children can do on the game is kill green dragons... GET A DAMN GRIP! What's wrong with them cutting yews, fishing sharks, slaying, runecrafting using familiars? All those are good money and you can access them fairly quickly. You're so shallow minded it's unbelieveable. The only people I see at green dragons atm are bots with their cannons. You're probably one of them and that's why you moan like an OAP.

26-Dec-2010 15:16:23

Sep Member 2023


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@ Branioc

26-Dec-2010 15:14:00
as previously mentioned, insults. Says it all really
Erm no.... just no. I clearly said you need to L2P. That's not insulting you, that't stating a fact. There's no reason for you to be against this update, you're just rubbish at the game and you want to whine because it might be a little bit harder for you.

26-Dec-2010 15:18:32

Jun Member 2011


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"other than you're a massive noob and you need to L2P
You're just a whiney little noob who wants the game as easy
as possible because you lack the skill or brain power to find
an alternative. Hopefully you will be one of the ones who
"will quit" along with all the other fails against this change."
not insults???
in my experience it is pkers who need to L2P. They ignore anything outside that pking world and have poor trade limits as they do not quest.

26-Dec-2010 15:29:03

k1ng kris

k1ng kris

Posts: 289 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My definition of wilderness - a dangerous area where anything can happen. No restrictions
Wilderness has always been a dangerous place. The word itself says that. So why would it be "easy," like it is now? Of course, revenents are no problem because they're NPCs. So why would anyone be afraid of them. Back in the day, the rush you get when you are in the wilderness doing a clue scroll and you see a white dot on the mini-map was crazy. You're like "oh my god, oh my god, what the f am I going to do now??!?!?!" And the PKer sees you, and is like "Yes, another free kill." You start running for your dear life, and the pker is chasing after you, with his TB ready or ice barrage. Somehow you manage the escape, and you get that amazing feeling inside, like I'm a god at this game. Or, you can end up dead and be like "I f'in quit runescape" but you end up playing again. Those used to be the good days :P

@the people who say "clue scrolls are going to be dangerous now" or something along the lines of doing something in the wildy that would make pkers cause you to die:
Why should something that can give you over 50m in an hour have no risks? That's why they were put in the wildy in the first place, for the risk! Nothing in life comes easy, and it certainly doesn't come easy on runescape. Also, clues were out way before the wildy update in '07. How did people do them then? The same way people do them now. Most of the people who DON'T want this to come back are the people who joined AFTER the update took place. They are used to doing everything so easy that even the idea of this frightens them.
That's my thought on wildy. Free trade is a given - friends can lend money now, and no more merch clans, and what not. This is the start of a new Runescape :)

26-Dec-2010 15:29:38

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