
Wildy/Free Trade referendum... Thread is locked

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Posts: 18 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
89% of players (or accounts), have voted "Yes" for change. This change is GOING to happen, for those who don't like it, get over it. The vast majority didn't want the first change in 2007 to take place and the result was a mass quit party basically. With these "new faces on old people", metaphor for the new additions to the old, pre-2007 Runescape. This will benefit the game and membership.
One thing I worry about though is the, what seems to me, to be an unregulated G.E. There should be a guideline or limit on how much an item(s) goes for. May it be a min. limit, or a max limit, or even both.
A simple addtion to the unrescricted trading. Have a sidebar of somesort, showing the market value of the item(s) in place. Whether or not you, the trading partner, decides to give equal or at least a fair amount back is up to you. Just have something to show the market vavlue at that moment. This will show where the item(s) in place are going for so only the extreme stupid will get scammed.

24-Dec-2010 21:37:33 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2010 21:39:16 by [#TUX702HZ8]

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 24 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
if wildy comes back it should be in all worlds
those people who talk about their clue scrolls guess what before the update to remove wildy we still had them and we still managed to do them
the same statement as above goes to the green dragon campers
people need to understand just because wildy is in everyworld it doesn't mean that there will be pkers in every corner just sitting and waiting
sure you will have to be more alert but isn't that the point of a dangerous place such as the wilderness
and free the people complaining about not buying able to buy there supplies guess what we managed before the update
its called a market where everyone gathers and each area has its seperate stuff for sale
maybe you should research rs before 07 and fill yourselves with a little information before you cry
i missed old wildy but i sucked it up and continued to play and found new hobbies and new ways to make money guess what you can do the same

24-Dec-2010 21:39:54



Posts: 29 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm glad they re-did the voting sequence, as it was completely inaccurate before. I still wish that only veterans who experienced the game before the update in '07 should be able to vote, but thats not my decision.


-Please consider this... Having a G.E. if this update goes through is pointless, nobody will know how much to buy or sell an item for and there will be chaos. Consider replacing the G.E. with an Auction House instead, so that way players will be able to view prices and bid on them as they see fit.

-Also if you DO decide to put in an Auction House Have an automatic "Market Value" So players would know the basic amount of how much an item is worth.


24-Dec-2010 21:58:01 - Last edited on 24-Dec-2010 21:59:39 by [#2G6MKLOP4]

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