To all those that are using quests and clue scrolls as a deterant is not an exude at all. For years before 2007 people were in and out of the wild to do their clue with no problem. You'll get over it and plus, it a lot more fun with getting a little blood flowing when you're not sure who or what is going to be around the corner.
I for one want both, free trade and the benifits of free trade back. I used to be an avid pker way bad in the 'ol' days but since then I nearly go near those worlds. I want free trade because I'm sick of feeling like I have to be watched and *** only that it just ruins the game in my eyes. What other game as a restriction on any sort of trade system? Also having staking back would just be worth everything in the end!
I liked the old wild beacause it just what I remember the game as. It just when I think about RuneScape I think about how it used to be. Not how it is now. The day it was taken out my friends list was bare of people. No oneever logged on and if they did it was to check to see if it was changed back. And through the month and years, they have stopped checking.
Oh well I'm done typing on my small IPod now, would have been more in-depth but this auto correct spelling into the wrong word isn't working out for me and I'm going cross eyed.
Have fun everyone and happynew year!
01-Jan-2011 16:45:58