You have to realize, Jagex is not necessarily in it for the players. They're in it for the money. They've had dedicated players who have stuck around through the changes, but they're looking for more. With the old trade and wilderness brought back, more players will play again, which in turn brings more funds.
I can easily see both sides of it, though I myself am for it. I see it as a way for Jagex to put more trust in its players, rather than hawking over their every move. I see it as an attempt to let the players play the game, rather than limiting them to just a few things they can do.
Granted, this doesn't free up everything. There are still going to be issues with it, and RWT and botting are big parts of this. However, the staff feels confident that they can combat botting, and if they say they can, then why not give it a shot?
All I'm saying is that it's worth giving it a chance. Don't nay-say everything until you've let it prove itself.
24-Dec-2010 05:59:43