Look at the homepage, the images. Characters with weapons fighting. Not a lady character watering her plants. Whether you like it or not, danger should play a big part in the game. It requires you to be cautious, but brave.
I'm glad, if it comes through, that free trade and wildy is back. The freedom of the game is vital. Of course there will be scammers, but if you get scammed it's your own fault and nobody elses. Learn from it, report them and move on. Poo happens.
It makes me laugh when people complain about not being able to do clue scrolls without risk, that's the whole point! Expect to be targeted if you go deep in the danger area of the map!
Of course the losers who do RWT will see this as an opportunity. But people jump to conclusions when talking about this. Jagex made this poll, not because of immense pressure, they chose to. I'm quietly confident that they have various filters to stop these people who ruin the game.
31-Dec-2010 19:13:42