Well now, see? You can be somewhat civil when you make the effort. Now I can actually respond to the content instead of just having a negative visceral reaction.
EDIT: Well since you edited your post you negated what I just said about civility, so I guess since talking to you is like being called stupid by a kindergartener with Down's syndrome, I'll have to educate you in another post about the dangers of calling others stupid.
You seem to feel that the only risk in the game is to be had from fighting other players. While I have never had the adrenaline rush from the 2 examples you cite, dying from a monster, dying from a quest boss, or dying from a player is all pretty much the same thing. And, surprisingly to you, no doubt, not all monsters and quest bosses are within, what is it 2 minutes? from your respawn point(sorry, I don't often die), so yeah, you lose your stuff just like PKing.
As I have said several times on this thread, I completely agree that those who enjoy PKing should be able to get the stuff from those they kill. Just do it on your own turf, with other savages who share your bloodlust. Whatsa matter? Just no fun if you can't attack unarmed runecrafters or clue hunters? Fight all those "90%" of players you imagine also enjoy PKing on a PVP world. Yes, I KNOW, that's not how PVP worlds work. So demand Jagex make the PVP worlds work like we both agree they should work. No EP, no silly statues, no silly 76K tricks.
Our objections are mostly to the poll process. They should've simply said "we're doing this" if that's what they had decided to do, not pretended to get player's input. But they knew perfectly well there is not some vast majority of players wanting this, or they would've just done a normal poll like they always do, not this rigged series of farces.
31-Dec-2010 08:30:10
- Last edited on
31-Dec-2010 08:41:13