
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
White Boi, you say that 90% of people WHO VOTED is bad because of the people that didn't vote. They have the option, don't they? If they choose not to vote and not have their voices heard that's their problem. Jagex made a poll and majority is voting for it back. The same majority that didn't want it gone in the first place. So let's bring it back, eh?

31-Dec-2010 09:03:15

Dark Enmity

Dark Enmity

Posts: 2,957 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I never did clue scrolls in old wildy as I was F2P, but I entirely agree. I loved the wilderness back then. There was a reason it was used to ward off travelers. Now it is a lame excuse for an oversized dungeon as people scoff at the revenants. They are honestly a joke. Nowhere close to a real player.

31-Dec-2010 09:07:35



Posts: 14 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well I with many people: Mixed feelings. I agree that it would bring back the feeling of the "old days" but it would bring a huge advagtage to scammers lurers and those who use multiple characters[char from now on] to boost the main char.
I would like the free trade cause I want to give some armor and wep for my friend cause hes lost everthing at a boss. And item lending can only give 1 item away. So it would be good cause I can give a secod chance to my friend.
-But there the ones who use another char(pk or a skiller) to give huge money for the main char. This is why they voted yes.
But I dont want boost to myself, to get advantage over other players. I want a fair game where everyone has its own chances.
I know that many people want is but I can give a solid NO to the update. And NO I dont got scammed or killed many times in old wildy. Especially I owned at it but realized that this wat really unfair. I think the limit changes would nearly slove the problem. Increase the stake limits in duel arena. But also somehow make sure that no-one can die directly to give away money. Make avaliable to lend an item much longer(even for a week) and multile item lending.
For wildy I cant say anything. I think the stake change would make it easier. If someone dont wants risk then he/she dont goes there. And if somone wants profit then go to duel arena to stake. The real problem isnt that theres no wildy. The problem that most people dont understand that theres another way to get some profit from combat(pk world, bounty worlds,duel arena staking) and that every change is for them too to dont get scammed and crashed. (Or everyone is a scammer,hacker and they only angry cause its aganist their gameplay way O_o )
These dont slove it completery but help a lot to deal em in step-to step.
If someone dont likes what is now then sit back to play with lego! ^_^ :P Every update is for us and I think that Jagex made theese changes to make our gaming better!
Sorry for bad english! :)

31-Dec-2010 09:10:10

White Breadt
Feb Member 2023

White Breadt

Posts: 15 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1 H4v3 Skill,
I don't think they've decided yet, but I wouldn't expect it to be anytime soon because Jagex will have to make massive changes and updates to the game. I'm guessing that that will take a while.

31-Dec-2010 09:12:04 - Last edited on 31-Dec-2010 09:15:09 by White Breadt



Posts: 849 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
people seem to be missing the point with why i dont want free tree its not about them scamming you or me its about them moving items from bots to a main account so having say 15 wc bots all at once moving the wood to a main account so the have millions worth of wood in days.
and then buying phats and selling them online and before you say im parinoid do a search now and i can guarantee your find a few sites selling them for real money and in classic the problem was about 100 times worse and yes my account is only 2 months old but i played classic as pureval666 and was the first to get 85 mining (for those of you who played classic your know thats it was 1 billion times harder to get that high than it is now)
this is also why free trade worked back then you had to sleep when your energy was used up and type in a code to wake up ( a random code) so it was very hard to bot but it took forever to mine as ever 6-7 ores you had to sleep again.

31-Dec-2010 09:13:04

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