Ok people calm down they will be bringing it back or they wouldn't have posted anything. They would lose so many people it wouldn't even be funny they knew our oppinion before this happened they want to make us happy please stay calm and talk about what you want seen and changed not whether you vote yes or no. There is a poll for that.
Lol, right? Even though I agree with most of them, I can't stand the 8 year olds saying "jagix nnedz to bring bak free trade an wildyy cuz rs wuz wayy better bak then an your stupid if u dont think so!" I mean really, Jagex isn't gonna listen to you if you can't at least speak properly.
you obvioulsy dont understand
@name means ur talking to them
I responded to the comment as I understood that it was directed at me Hun.
I was pointing out I'm not a child,I have teens of my own, but this is veering off topic and I've stated my view,so I'll leave you guy's to it.
w0000000000000000000000t i swear if you bring this all back to normal it will be a big breakthrough for runescape... do you know how many people quit because of loss of free trade and old wildy???? thousands including me Please bring the old wildy and free trade back. This will be the best thing you have ever done for runescape!!!! w00000000t GOOOO jagex!!!