i honestly would rather that runescape is kept the way it is now.
my reasons:
a) Prevent botters and scammers.
b) If Jagex plans (which they stated that they are planning to do so) to relocate activities like clan wars and FoG & revenants, they would need to create a new area that is around equal in size to the current wildy. This area MUST be f2p or else there will be massive riots on f2p worlds. Furthermore, this update will mean that killing green dragons is obsolete unless Jagex relocates them.
c) Having a maximum trade makes it harder to become rich. Free trade allows you to sell items for prices way beyond their value if the other person is in agreement. Example: people selling lobsters/swordfish and str pots in the edgeville bank would make prices VERY high as players are desperate for food and pots to continue pking.
d) Having the old wildy and free trade will make it very noob unfriendly. I still remember when i first started runescape i didin't dare go into the wildy at all. Never went in till it became revenant infested and the pking relocated to PvP worlds/Bounty worlds. (u can call me a coward if u like, im not bothered)
e) If free trade comes in, what is the use of the 'Grand Exchange' tab under 'Game Guide' on the main page?
These are just my opinions, feel free to disagree.
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31-Dec-2010 02:31:20