I think this vote should be stopped and resubmitted under two separate issues.
Vote on Free Trade. Vote on Pking in Wildy. These are two separate issues and should not be used to garner positive votes. I may be in the minority, but I have to say that I feel for the lower level players who will have to put up with the vast numbers of high level players who will OWN the Wildy.
Anyone who is lower level and running to Abbyss, Stealing Creation, Treasure Scrolls, Pengy hunting, Temple at Sennitsen, are all going to be super challenged now to name a few of the unbalanced issues. If a lower level player is in the way of another who comes along, there will be no player courtesy at all ever. The lower level player will be killed if he/she doesn't leave.
You know this happens! Leave PvP out of regular worlds. This is so sad.......
30-Dec-2010 23:30:21