Jagex, please don't listen to the people who want to vote no. If you think about it they're voting for TINY reasons which is actually really selfish. For example they insult you by saying you'd totally forget about clan wars and the corperal beast when i'm sure you'll come up with easy solutions by either moving them or just making a teleport to inside the corperal lair.
Please don't listen to the selfish minority, they are either full time skillers (who miss out on the best part of the game), botters or people in merch clans. Thanks.
- DanSup looking forward to the real days of runescape again (:
P.S to any idiots thinking prices will go up, iteams stay in the game when you kill someone instead of leaving the game. Therefore the prices will go down.
Summary to the people who cbf reading the thread: The only people who want to vote no are botters or merchers. Obviously all pkers are in favour of this update and it doesn't effect PvM'ers or skillers. So only botters / merch clans want to vote no.
Also it's been confirmed that all non PvP activities will be taken out of the wildy so don't try that pathetic reason.
22-Dec-2010 23:30:09