I played for about 2 years and quit near the time wildy went. played wow for a bit and came back to this recently to be more "casual".
Wow is too time consuming for me.
I for one would love to see the free trade come back, but i think the wildy should remain the way it is. The relocating of The Corporal Beast and Clan Wars would disappoint many players like me, and I feel that only certain worlds should have the dangerous Wilderness enabled.
The Hacking and scamming has already begun.
I just log out of Facebook and there are people posting things, stating that they have allowed everyone to vote again, even if they have already voted. And when you click the link it goes to a page that looks like the runescape log in site....BEWARE it is designed to steal your account!
Why did you have to inrtroduce this monstrosity back into the game?????
If you must have the Wild the so be it!
But take away the free trade!
Well you sir, saying you are a high school teacher, should know better than to click on links that you find posted by sources that do not have your trust
I'm all for free trade but not the wildy:
Jagex nothing against you, but I think that the new Wilderness is OK and I think that AS A COMPRIMISE WITH ALL YOU BRING BACK THE OLD WILDY PEOPLE there should be half the worlds with the old wildy and half without - think about getting to fist of guthix or stealing creation - that would be to dangerous, and also free trade should be brought back just modernized in the sense of a new trade screen with a compfermation page.
bro theres only so much you can do to stop people getting scammed or killed in the wildy...
ruining the best part of the game to stop it was always stupid. It's a good learning curve for kids too.... You can't go through life trusting everyone because people scam and hurt you in life too.
But the main point it - Wildy + free trade = better game
@ dachshundz
I agree. But the places would be relocated. The relocation would confuse players who come to rejoin the game after a hibernation period, as well as change the experience regular players have. In my opinion, the relocation of the events should not occur, and the old wilderness should only be in some worlds.
30-Dec-2010 23:01:51
- Last edited on
30-Dec-2010 23:03:35