please bring it back,it would be very fun like the good old days as alot of players like it. the votes gotten in 1 day are amazing and proves the wilderness is wanted, trade limits should be removed and another thing which alot of people loved, STAKING.i find the pvp system unfair due to needing non-combat skills to get good loots. what has pking really got to do with stuff like woodcutting ,fishing etc rather than providing us the supplies. the skillers do this. we use it.
as some people do not like the idea due to it being dangerous in some places in the wilderness where they would go to do clues, skills etc i think there shoudl be teleports to places such as corporeal beast layer which is a safe zone. and if you really want to do othet things such as charge orbs or pick the white berries you have to take the risk.just the way the game should be in my opinion.
the time when runescape got big/famous was when we had the opportunity for these things.since we was apart of this we should also get the opputurnity to be apart of it again insteaf of the odd scammers/real world traders spoiling it for us.why do we suffer for what they have done? we pay for members for some aspects of it,some people for pking some for skilling. let us do what we want and what we started/liked the game for in the first place.
if this update takes place im sure it will benefit the runescape community by alot as huge numbers of people will return to the game.
thankyou jagex if this update occurs.
22-Dec-2010 23:16:12