Not to mock you or detest what you have said, but what you have said proves you were barely here for the old ways. As I have stated in earlier posts I have played since 2001 and have experienced just about everything runescape has to offer.
First off I would like to counter-dict your statement of the pros and cons of the old and new wilderness in that the new wilderness is "better." Firstly you say that people used to trick lower level players and con them into the wilderness to get their items and valuables. IF you do not remember, the wild is specifically a dangerous place and is meant for you to be killed in by other players, it says this on the runescape tips as you are logging in. Secondly people still do it today, just in other forms: 75k trick, free-to-players luring still for common items, and much more.
My second point i would like to say is that the old wild gave me a sort of omnious scary look on the world of runescape where only the elite go and if you tread in their abode, you will surely die. This in itself set your will, skill, and ability to trust in your friends to seek new treasure in lands unknown. As we speak however, wild revs. scower the landscape Ice barraging, ranging, melleing the hell out of all their victims, completely unrealistic to what was.
Finally you disagree with free trade and I find it slightly humorous.
-You say scamming is virtually impossible? Well obviously you haven't heard of merchant clans. They scam the life out of runescape players faster then the king black dragon can kill me! Secondly merchant clans cause prices to sky rocket and players in these clans sell these items at ridiculousness high prices scamming anyone in their sight.
I say bring back the rollback of old runescape.
07-Jan-2011 01:09:17