I personally support the move to bring back the 2007 "Free Trade" and "wildy".
Sure this will change the game a lot, we can already see the effects on the Runescape economy with items dropping and rising substantially in the last 1 - 2 weeks.
But, Jagex has already stated that, should free trade come back,
Other content (e.g. Treasure Trails, the Beacon Network and D&Ds) would be looked at on a case-by-case basis"
So all of you who are terrified of losing your precious treasure trails, just remember that the clues may be relocated.
As for the g.e, they are not completely nerfing it, as they said "The Grand exchange will remain, but the high and low limits would be removed"
This still allows for flip merchanting,unfortunately it does not solve the problem of Mass price manipulation clans, but the simplicity of buying and selling will remain. For those of you with the cash, it may make it even more simple too.
Sure free trade will encourage RWT'ing, but RWT'ing has existed over the last few years, only the "botting" software that they used to gold farm had to become a whole lot more advanced and harder to detect due to the fact that they would have to log into the customers account to farm the gold, Jagex may not be able to eradicate cheating, but with free trade back, bots will not have to be so hard to find or detect.
Players just botting for levels and money. That has never gone away. Players might have the misconception that the botting community just ceased to exist over the last few years, but anybody visiting the chaos tunnels dragons, or the flax wheel at catherby will know that this is just not true.
In 2007, botting did not cease to exist, but merely had to become more advanced.
Think about it.
If Jagex makes it easy for botters, who is going to worry about expensive programs.
The bottom line is.
Free trade will lead to simpler programs, which will lead to easier detectability.
07-Jan-2011 01:20:06