There was a time a few years ago when I would have jumped at the chance to bring back the wilderness and free trade, and I would have been one of those spamming the forums in an attempt to shout out those who supported its removal.
Now i'm not so sure, people said they were leaving in their hundreds as the removal of these features apparently ruined the whole game and what it stood for. Focusing on what there was and not what had been lost I kept playing, and there was no apocalypse, the game went on, and little did I notice those changes.
Years down the line, having acclimatised to the changes I must say that I've come to like them, and am unsure about having a referendum. Long has Runescape been an environment where people have to work hard to earn the best, so that when people achieve something it means all the more to them. The return of free trade in particular worries me not so much regarding the revival of Bots and RWT, but in the revival of (if you''l pardon the term) spongers.
I for one will certainly be guilty of giving money to some less adept friends of mine, and I resent it. This idea of those who do not have the resolve to work and earn but get everything given to them devalues the work of those who have put great time and effort in.
Therefore it is undeniably hard for me to come to a decision. As long as RWT and bots are truly defeated then there is little reason not to revive the old ways. But I think that the new ways work, and that going back on them is an unnecessary step back. Runescape changed, and at the time it was seen as a loss. But times change, and it would be a shame to loose the fair and honest backbone to the Runescape community.
Having seen the polls I know that mine is a lost cause, but that doesn't make it lesser in my heart. The best I can hope to achieve is a few nods of recognition, but as long as I ha e tried then that is enough for me.
30-Dec-2010 11:03:10
- Last edited on
30-Dec-2010 11:03:28
Ein Llyw Ola