OMG!!! I cant believe all you cry babies on here. Your still playing aren’t you!?!? If you quit because the wild and free trade was taken out, then why the hell are you on here now?? If you only get on the game every few weeks/months just to see if wild and free trade is back yet, your vote should not count anyway. Leave it to the players that play this game, not check up on it.
OK so some of the things I have read since my last post are great ideas. If you want PVP back, turn all PVP/BH worlds in to free for all PVP. No staking, no safe items, no items that only Pkers can get/use. You keep what you kill. I don’t use those worlds anyway and I know lots of other people that don’t also.
If Jagex moves ALL clue scrolls, quests and mini games from wild, then fine you people can have the wild. YOU WILL NEVER FIND ME IN IT TO TRY AND TAKE MY HARD EARNED STUFF.
The 1.2m votes that were posted the day this idea was released was one sided and not far in any way. If I were F2P, ya I'm going to send my vote to Jagex. I LIVE 3000 MILES FROM THEM. How the hell would that vote be fair? I could fly there and put my vote in the mailbox at Jagex faster then it would have been to send it. Ya I'm going to do that for sure...
As for me and my time on this game. I have been playing since just after they made what you people call rare/good junk, and that’s all it is “JUNK”. Ya big deal. You got lucky and played before they discontinued that junk and made it rare. Jagex should give you high alch price for it and remove it from the game. It’s not worth the time to buy something that is crazy to buy and even crazier to show off. Your just asking to be hacked and I don’t care what you say, it still happens.
30-Dec-2010 06:14:46