To all the haters**** and trade limits are at the moment what has ruined runescapes economy, thats why this is needed, also gifts and loot share in wilderness.
"i got scammed, i hate free trading" wtf is wrong with you guyes, runescape is 13+ and regulary older players are playing.. If you got scammed, read a book or something, because you such an idiot!
"then id risk getting killed when doing my lvl 3 clues!" well thats exacly what the point is, lvl 3 clues should be risky, but atm their such a peace of KAKE!!!!!
I personally got heartattack when i saw this, I voted for sure, and i hope yall do the same. This is what runescape was, real pking and real loots, no such thing when you kill a guy in 20m and get steel legs and mithril full helm, does it make sense?
You watched the players playing at the moment? In 2006-2007 it used to be like 300k players on at a time (400k in weekends). Look now? its halfed, and its been like this since jagex removed wildy/stake/free trade etc. LOTS of people quitted, so did i, and i had like 10 friends who played too, every single of them quitted because of this!!!
This was the duty of runescape, it was a harmony of the evil pkers and the cute skillers. Now evry1 turned egoistik, and runescape has turned 3+... you get a frikken warning message every step you make, because you could fell and break your bronze legs.. WTF is wrong? its supposed to be fun and exciting, dangerous. now its safe, secure and locked, like we're all prisoners! -.-
Hell no... make my day, make runescape alive again! LETS PK 4REAL???? <3
Hasta la vista, nerds! Let the game BEGIN!
22-Dec-2010 20:41:05