theres a few things i would like to say regarding this. first off: there is still massive botting going on, and the old wildy and free trade had no effect on botting. now onto the wilderness. As great as the "old wildy" was, there was little to no benefits for pkers -30 combat, seeing as most pkers at that level are pures and have 1-20 attack, and steel-mith arrows, leaving almost no value in the drop. with the bounty and pvp worlds, you could be 20 combat and get anywhere from no drop, to a 40m drop. i think that a way to benefit all players would be to bring back the old wildy, and free trade(if the vote poll favors it), but keep the selected "pvp" and "bounty" worlds, where you get random drops still, depending on your EP. As for the free trade, yes scamming was a BIG issue, but people who were reported and banned got what they deserved. As for the RWT, if people would like to spend real money and risk being scammed IRL for money in a video game, i personally dont see what is so menacing about that. sure, they're not earning it fairly like other players, but those other players do have the same option to RWT. Just some thoughts from a long time rs player
06-Jan-2011 06:25:31