
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
theres a few things i would like to say regarding this. first off: there is still massive botting going on, and the old wildy and free trade had no effect on botting. now onto the wilderness. As great as the "old wildy" was, there was little to no benefits for pkers -30 combat, seeing as most pkers at that level are pures and have 1-20 attack, and steel-mith arrows, leaving almost no value in the drop. with the bounty and pvp worlds, you could be 20 combat and get anywhere from no drop, to a 40m drop. i think that a way to benefit all players would be to bring back the old wildy, and free trade(if the vote poll favors it), but keep the selected "pvp" and "bounty" worlds, where you get random drops still, depending on your EP. As for the free trade, yes scamming was a BIG issue, but people who were reported and banned got what they deserved. As for the RWT, if people would like to spend real money and risk being scammed IRL for money in a video game, i personally dont see what is so menacing about that. sure, they're not earning it fairly like other players, but those other players do have the same option to RWT. Just some thoughts from a long time rs player

06-Jan-2011 06:25:31



Posts: 264 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ok to that last statement...
rwt isnt bad because of that.
its because banks do not allow anything runescape related if rwt is going on meaning no membership meaning no runescape ever again. so it is a problem.

06-Jan-2011 06:38:03



Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
if pvp wilderniss is made again, can you make NON-PVP worlds instead of bounty worlds with pvp, these worlds are not allowing any kind of pvp (except for minigames if there is a pvp minigame) jagex can you think about this? ;)

06-Jan-2011 06:52:00



Posts: 433 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
in response to everyone
I would like to say that I voted yes to both actually the old wilderness was often feared and loved by many no matter who you are. the wilderness ditch was put there so people wouldnt accidentally enter wilderness and get scammed by someone trading and getting killed easily.
the grand exchange still remains where its at and still intact so you can easily stay there and sell things I think the free trade should still be reinstated because I would like to help out my lower level friends by giving them some presents on their birthday or whatever or let them borrow my full set of barrows or 1k dragon arrows or whatever they would like without a trade limit keeping us from doing what we want to.
for those worried about clue scrolls they have already said they are going to work around such things changing where clue scrolls would be possibly teleporting you to a safer location to battle your zammy or sara mage or whatever they think of. I often liked going into wildy with 2 friends and finding another group of people and you see many many big battles randomly throughout wildy you was always like oh crud better run from that area!
for those who think real world trading would take in effect and more bots well the botting system is getting better and better and soon it will input a IP banning system for those bots and it will cost them a price of a new pc to bot again.
with 90% of over 1.2 million people saying YES!!! DEAR GOD YES!! One would assume wilderness and free trade returning is by far the most important thing at this point in time there are millions who quit when they created trade limits AND wilderness change.

06-Jan-2011 07:10:16



Posts: 97 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I say NO to both. The Grand Exchange system and the current wilderness is terrific as it is. Brining either of those two things back is a big mistake.
As far as the voting portion is concerned Jagex should have either input a yes or no option or posted some form of warning to not log in if you do not wish to vote infavor of it. That was big over sight for who ever created the poll....I almost logged in thinking there would be a No option. I am sure there were others that has logged in without porper knowledge of what they were doing. I am not saying the accidental votes would make a big diffrence if they were to be subtracted, but it is still misleading.
Also is this a members vote only? If not what is keeping people from creating multiple accounts and registering through those accounts?
Always Bustin heads

06-Jan-2011 07:33:50



Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm kind of torn about the issue over wildy: I like the old wildy because many players are forced at one point or another to venture into it for various things(not sure about rune rocks anymore tho because of dung update), but since jagex has also stated that the return of old pvp would mean the removal of bh worlds and pvp worlds, that in turn would mean the removal of corrupt equippment. So far ive gotten about 12m from 4 corrupt drops. Now while I'm aware that corrupt drops are very rare and most of the time you average 50/75k drops from 150k kills(in f2p), in the long run you'll find that you profit from the new drop system(assuming you get 5 c longs worth about 2m ea from a total of 100 kills, and that from each regular kill you get ripped off 75k(in f2p), 95regular kills * 75k lost to new system each time = 7.1m. Those 5 c longs are worth 10m. 10m - 7.1m= about 3m. 3m/ 7m means you get about 40% extra in loot from the new drop system!!!!!! Note: members might want to multiply the 3m by 5 to realize the full implications of this.)

Yeah the new drop system might not seem good at first, but it works out in the long run. If it's gone, i will really miss it . I suggest that jagex go ahead with the plan to implement the old wildy, but at least keep bh worlds, that way people who are serious about pking will go to bh and profit more in the long run, and people who are short on $$$ and need a quick buck can go ahead and ambush runite miners in the wildy.

06-Jan-2011 07:40:24



Posts: 329 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
heres an idea, do all the worlds have to have the wilderness returned to what it was before? chance half of them, why not leave some worlds like they are now, and change the rest, since im sure some people do like the new way

06-Jan-2011 07:45:59

7r0n m0nk3y
May Member 2022

7r0n m0nk3y

Posts: 1,666 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I voted yes. Wilderness and Staking WILL BE BACK. Jagex would not stir up all this controversy to NOT do anything. So it will be back, if its like it was before we will not know? I see the wilderness will be a much different place. Many stronger weapons and armour have come out since it was taken away. I cant wait to get back to staking and winning big. As well as those weekend deep wilderness pk trips with my friends. I feel many that voted NO were *** around to see how runescape was before free trade and staking. The old runescape was alot better. YOU had control of what you could do and how to help true friends. They tried to limit everything and it cost them MILLIONS from lost subscriptions. I see the membership sales increasing once this comes about.

06-Jan-2011 07:45:59

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