
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Posts: 135 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Im ReLaPsE Completely wrong.....
You get rubbish loots at below 30 cmb because they think you're going to be 25k tricking. Also, if you kill magers or rangers they usually take in alot of runes and arrows and you know what you're getting. If you dont like it become level 40+ with rune :) Plus no one that level risks (-30)

06-Jan-2011 07:50:58

773H H0 XD

773H H0 XD

Posts: 139 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i think there should be a trade limit certainly for at least the younger players but only because they are the ones that are most likely to be the ones that would suffer most from being scammed. i would agree to long standing friends having a larger trade limit as you are more likely to know you can or cant trust them and would have deleted them from your friends list if you couldnt trust them.

06-Jan-2011 07:59:58



Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have been playing for six years and have seen many things come and go but 2 years ago i stopped playing a few months ago i started playing again and the first thing i did was go pking but when i was out there i couldnt attack people and reverents came along. i almost stopped playing again until a real world friend explained everything to me. i hope they do bring back old wildy and free trade so i can start makiung mils agian :@

06-Jan-2011 08:00:16



Posts: 154 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Woooo I can't wait for free trade and wild back
only thing I am nervous about is if abyss is still in wild like it was before :| but its a small price to pay for real drops and no more need for junk to trade good items or lend items
and so glad +1 worlds are going away thats why there is a keep item prayer so that item is still risked if you are noob
watch out for scammers and report bots but enjoy all the fun stuff from this change :D

06-Jan-2011 08:11:09

xMr Higgins

xMr Higgins

Posts: 65 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When Runescape first remove the wildy i quit, later to return train defence and even start some skills but later relized that without the wildy and the option of free trade Runescape was empty.
Some people thrive to achive maximum total levels while others like me just wanted to have fun and for most of us the wildy was a place where we could. We would train for months, alch for days and we would be pround of our achievements.
I decided to come back to Runescape to try out these so called PVP worlds and when i relized that you guys where considering re-adding the only thing that i truely enjoyed in this game i made my account a member and started training like i used back in the day but if it turn out that this is all a hoax then this time when i quit i wont be comming back and im sure even more will leave.
I hope you make the right choice,
Operation Pk

06-Jan-2011 08:11:12 - Last edited on 06-Jan-2011 08:14:35 by xMr Higgins



Posts: 29,510 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Someone posted saying you have to buy a new PC to get past an IP ban. I don't think that's true. If I've heard correctly you have to get a different internet provider to get past one. :p
Anywho. I think they should bring back free trade but not the old wildy. That's just my opinion, but I don't like the wilderness being a place where some nolife is sitting, waiting for you to try to go somewhere for a quest or something, and you're about to finish a quest you've been working on all day, then he pops out of no where and kills you.
It's very annoying and I almost wish I didn't vote yes just because of that. I think they should either move EVERYTHING that you would EVER have to go to out of the wild, or make there be worlds where the wild is how it is now, with revs instead of players. That would be much better.
Jagex thought taking away free trade would reduce botting and RWT, but it didn't. From what I've been told, It hasn't gone down much at all. Sure it's made it harder for these people to do what they do, but it doesn't make people do it any less.
Personally? I think Jagex should get behind RWT. They should allow people to, perfectly with the rules, buy something off of the official runescape website and have it appear on their account. Putting limits so people don't get rich quick because they have no life, but Jagex could charge better prices than these companies, most of which are scamming, and take all of the companies customers. After awhile, the companies would shut down because they wouldn't have enough money flowing in to pay what they need to pay, and Jagex would make some money off of it.
Those are just my thoughts, though.

06-Jan-2011 08:27:17



Posts: 13 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My problem about this is that if they bring back the old wilderness, myself and many people are going to suffer due to the green dragons, as many people see this as a sole way of making money.If PvP is resurrected, players will find it impossible to collect dragon bones due to extremely high chance of dying. My suggestion is that they bring the old wilderness back in some worlds and leave other worlds as normal (with revenants). Some players also enjoy the concept of reventant hnting with a clan, as it provides a sense of adventure in a protective group of people.

06-Jan-2011 08:38:35

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 133 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i voted by mistake thinking i could chose to boycott. We have a big problem with bots as it is. We dont need more of them whe i hunt i spend most of the time reporting them only to see nothing is done about it. Having sed this i want to boycott this rediculos idea.

06-Jan-2011 08:38:54

nexs scared

nexs scared

Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Honestly what i think is that i love the idea of it comeing back because there has been a MAJOR down slide in played ever since 2007 and how will it make people bot more i mean people are still botting today! and everyone enjoyed the way the game yous't to be and for gold selling sites all they had to do was go on your account and do it but bnow it will just be easier! so really no difference. And for all those people that say its bad and was not even playing when it was around then your just judging the idea of it and sayings it bad even though youve never expeirenced it, and i loved it back when if somone died you could get there stuff yes it may of made them really sad but it just made you happy, me and my friends used to do pking together and sharing loot ect we had sooooo much fun untill the particular day when it all went bad :( And with the free trade just look at other major game for example World of Warcraft there is no trade limit on that same with Lots and lots of other games. :) Bye
And also with people being scammed its mainly younger kids that are more likely so to help them out you should still have a thing in trade that says how much an an item is worth ect :)

06-Jan-2011 09:06:40 - Last edited on 06-Jan-2011 09:09:36 by nexs scared

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