I really enjoyed the old runescape, before 2007. When I found out about the new trade limit rule, my entire world shattered, lol. But not because I was upset that I could no longer scam other players, for I didn't do that, (shame on those who do). Also, the wildy was basically all I played for. I remember when I was younger and I was so proud of myself for knowing the exact route and ways to go to find it.(But now I realized I was a complete noob at knowing the map of Runescape) But about the trade limit thing, I reeeally loved giving my friends items coins etc. that they needed or just wanted =P. But now I can't do that... so I really don't bother playing runescape as often as I used to. I think Jagex should definitely change it back to the "old runescape".
P.S. -And the new 10% multiplied health and damage system? C'mon! Runescape, you don't need to try to be more and more like an RPG, you are the best of the best, or at least used to be. I mean I could take all these stupid little updates, some small, some really big, but I mean I just dont like this 10% health thing! I haven't beem able to pk,(The only thing I used to do since the wildy was removed). I think that's all, thanks for reading.
30-Dec-2010 01:49:58