I strongly vote "YES" for free trade and old wildermess.
"but what about my clue scrolls?!?!?!" so what?.... clue scrolls were in the old wilderness whats makes things any different now? Theres no reason why they shouldnt be..
"prices will sky rocket!!" has anyone else noticed since the update which removed free trade/wildy how much inflation has taken place?...
I am a pker, its gives a thrill and income as allows use to receive a thrill and a CHALLENGE. Old wilderness was feared because many couldnt handle the challenge, or simply wanted to abuse something in it (green drags/clue scrolls/runite ore) without receiving the consenquences. And thats what the revamping of the wildy did. Green drag fighters should be taking risk, clue scrolls are suppose to be hard and not just "i looked up the location, now ima get mai loots"
I preffered the times in Varrok west/Fally world 1/2 where masses were selling, and the person who got read, got his items sold. With free trade, merchanting cc's which abuse the GE will be gone, and they are the real scammers. Abusing there members to rise/crash a price for the own leaders gain.
I use to stake in the duel arena, and wow, thats a thrill, you could make mills 1 minute, lose them the next. This is an experience many of theese new players are missing out on.
I remember back around the 10th/11th/12th of Decemember 2007 when wilderness and free trade was removed. Many people quit, but now, many shall return which can only mean good things.
And to be honest now that you released this poll with 90% of voters supporting, if you go back on that, you cant full back on the "larger percent of the player base ....", you litterally just wave goodbye to there mememberships.
30-Dec-2010 00:52:27
- Last edited on
30-Dec-2010 00:54:24