in reply to Phthartic, I would argue that a lot of these players are young and therefore just excited at the prospect of free trade and anxious to post an opinion. Free trade was an amazing aspect of this game and without it I for one am reluctant to introduce anyone to the game because it does get boring without the opportunity to do creative things like running a shop through the forums or hosting drop parties etc. I liked making people happy and that gave me as much enjoyment as playing the game. No one really wants to spend hours chopping trees talking to no-one (because they're all bots) and thats all runescape offers right now as a free player and its all well and good saying "then buy membership" but I cant buy membership for all of my brothers friends, my gf's brothers etc and if they don't get the true runescape experience as I had, as a F2p member of the community, then why would they pay for membership. Especially when the game is worse than it was in the good old days (IMO), and membership is HIGHER.
Also all of my friends would return to the game and I highly doubt that you would regard them as uneducated given they are at prestigious universities in the majority of cases. Runescape is doing the right thing by introducing this, they will gain greater revenue (so they don't have to keep raising their membership fees as they have done) and many loyal players will return. You also don't take into account that the majority of players don't use the forum and that does not make their opinion inferior to yours for example. Everyone who plays has the right to vote this is a free society (though you wouldn't think it with the trade restrictions)and I think I speak for the majority when I say YES TO FREE TRADE.
30-Dec-2010 00:26:02