Mainac Devil
When a friend of yours starts playing runescape, it is nice to give them 500K to get them started. When it is a b-day, it is nice to give money to them or a rare as a gift, x-mass gifts are fun to give, I played this game with my sis, and when she needed money, I would help her out. I had friends that I would help out. When I ran into a new player that was just needed a little help, I would make amour set for them and arrows to be nice.
As for free 99 cape, they have went out of the way to make getting 99 cape faster then it was before.
I would like to point out, Dragon bones are much higher then they were and so are potions (due to updates). Shark is about the same price, so is lobby. The idea that everything was much more expensive is not true. Most of the items now are about the same price, or higher.
What you will see a jump in are items that do have a higher value today then the GE and trade limit allow. That is why we junk trade to even out the price. It is the only way to get what the item is valued at.
What you see today are merch clans pushing the price of items up for their own gain only. Trust me, free trade will put an end to that real quick. Or is it that you like to pay more for all the items they have messed with? There are so many items that have been messed with. Don't you think it will be nice to know when your buying a rare or a whip that it is the actual cost and value, rather then having the price jacked up to heck and back by a clan?
Free trade is a good thing. If they d bring it back, you might like it.
29-Dec-2010 18:41:53