Hello everyone, I want you to keep ur eyes closely to this post. O yeah read it like it doesend matter what I'm going to vote:
Jagex have removed the trade limit 3 years ago now. This was because of RWT. The last 3 damnet years people have been whining that RuneScape sucks without wildy and trade limit. The Rants forum was FULL of it.
Now they are finally going to change it back and what happens, you are going to whine AGAIN! I know the problem with RuneScape and the hate thats pulled towards JaGeX: it's the players that can't take changes. I have been playing this game pretty long now and all those years players can't take a single change with every change thats bigger than an event like chrissmass everyone is going to complain. Now, I don't care what theres going to happen, I'm just going to vote, sit back and watch how this will end. THAT'S WHAT YOU ALL NEED TO DO! Say here is like 6000 posts on this threat I have only seen like 50 that are actually usefull things such as: is there going to be a more detailled poll?
Now have I seen alot of dumb people that can't read. My problem is: Where are going to be the quests such as spirit of the summer, RIP clue hunters. LEARN TO READ. That is what they said, they will relocate it for god sake.
Now some people better learn of this post, it might change ur life (you'll be once able to accept changes).
(sorry for the few grammar faults I might of made, I'm dutch)
29-Dec-2010 17:10:57