@Predator 51 I agree but it is a big decision and a big thing. Don't want to ru** it too much. But a decision soon would help the crazy marketplace thats happening now and will continue through until it's decided and/or released.
I really don't think this decision should be up to players who joined after 2007...they've only played one version of the game, while older players have played both.
To all the opponents of bringing back the old wildy and free trade, don't you think there's a reason so many older players want things to go back to the way they were? I think you know that they're not doing it out of spite to prove Jagex was wrong, because they're playing the game too.
@Eqai Well this poll is the decision which ends on the 14th, after that they just have to dig up old code. Since we all know the outcome of the poll I'm sure they already have it ready to go.
I honestly believe most players who wish of free trade are users that have access to accounts ( Not of their own) which hold great wealth and intend to trade that wealth to their accounts. If free trade comes back you should atleast keep it so players must be friends for an extended ammount of time to recieve large ammounts of wealth. I Really hope you have some kind of plan Jagex besides just bringing it 100% back to the original ways.
You also should of provided a second vote option for users that wish for this not to happen. Then subtracted those votes from the others.
@Eqai I know I'm probably going to get either flamed, banned or muted for this but if players really wanted to see what runescape was kind of like back then I'd suggest either watching older videos on youtube or here it comes, try a private server (sure it is illegal but if it means more votes for yes and less people upset about the update then whatevs)
Overall I am in favour of this. I used to be a member and stopped playing a little while after the wildy went. Didnt seem the same game. The whole reason i trained my skills was so that i cud kill people in wildy. Would like to see PVP worlds remain though and for everything in the wildy to stay there (whats wrong with a little bit of danger in the game).
Not particularly bothered about free trade. Hated at first but grew to love the grand exchange and its limits. Do think when u kill a player you should get what they are carrying though.
Thats my input. Do with it what you will.
BTW i voted yes.
When Jagex actively opposes real world trading, they are indemnifying themself from any legal liability. If they allowed real world trading, actively, then that would be considered taxable and would also probably require them to report these ***ures to agencies.
If you want them to allow it, I'm sure your membership price will go up, so if that doesn't affect you.. what does?