@ Numerous players who post rude comments about people who oppose bring these back.
What I see from most of you is that in honest opinion, you were once a RWTer and/or ruthless PKer. Real World Trading and bots indeed can not be stopped. But with the current system, the reward for attempted RWT is not worth the effort. As we've all seen in w84 Living Caverns, Yanille Bank fire-makers, and even Chaos Druids, bots still thrive in RS. However, with the current system, all these bots can gain/harm is themselves. On the other hand, it is only a matter of time before the slow bot detection system catch and ban them.
PKers with rude comments on the other hand, there's an old saying that goes something like "Stripes with Stripes, Spots with Spots, mixing them will be disturbing the natural order" In a way, order is what RS have always lacked; this lack of order allows for cheaters to appear in the game. As relative to that old saying, Casual players should stick with Casual players and enjoy the fruits RS has to offer. As for ruthless PKers who in one person's words above: purposely pk someone doing a clue scroll; stick to your own kind in your PvP worlds. Get PKed by a fellow Pker instead of picking on people just trying to escape the real world for an hour a day.
Here's an extra one for you:
" A wolf does not become Alpha-Male by mauling down a sheep in a world of preditors..." -think about how this applies to you.
30-Dec-2010 14:27:42