I don't really agree to the idea of bringing back the same wildy. If the intention of putting back the same wildy in all the world, then certainly no way for me. There are already minigames placed in the wildy.
Aside from that, certain treasure trail rewards are already hard to get and to think all the long time spent on doing your boring slayer task and then to have the treasure trail rewards fall into the hands of some pker who could only have played for not as long as the original owner of the rewards.
Not all high-level players are capable of fighting full-fledge pkers. Isn't having some worlds where u can kill anyone anywhere other than the wildy itself satisfying enough? You just have to kill poor treasure trail ppl to have extra fun? That's just plain cruel. It's already hard enough to get the lvl 3 clue plus the expensive rewards(such as 3rd age equipments). Hmm.... tempting?
In my opinion, it's not fair for ppl who have kill so many monsters just to have their clue scroll rewards stolen by ppl who can kill them in wildy in a very short time which is even more possible with all the new deadly weapons have been introduced. Clue scrolls and pkers shouldn't be related at all.
How do I know treasure trail? I'm speaking on my bro's behalf who happens to be a member.
Pkers should fight among pkers.
Oh yeah, how about the runecrafters? It's already hard enough to get essence without hardwork.
For free trading, I'm not so sure which to support but I'm pretty sure there are still dishonest ppl hanging around seeing bots are still in the game. Free trade can be the returned opportunity for them to do RWT again. By the way, I don't cover the dishonest ppl on the bot users only. But I'm still uncertain on my decision on free trade.
In the end, I'm 100% against old wildy style being placed in all the worlds.
I'm guessing must be hard for pkers to earn by killing pkers. So, put some easier rich targets for them to kill?
22-Dec-2010 19:01:59