I vote yes, because I want a true economy where WE dictate the prices again, not just some computer generated wealth compilation based on numbers being sold. I want to be able to make my OWN price again. Now I KNOW bots will be back, but we had people who "killed" bots via items
Now the wildy Im glad is back, since the revs were more dnageous then pkers to me, especially to just get specific items(god capes, mage arena, treasure trails) there were more revs then pkers that killed me doing those. A pker you can usually tell them that youre doing something like treasure trail/getting god capes and theyll stop, but revs cant *top, due to their AI. Yes luring will be back, yes ice plateau pking will be back, but now I can fight again without being scared of losing my items.
I vote yes many times over
27-Dec-2010 02:44:53