Thanks for keeping us informated alteast.
Kind of sad to know RWTers are just waiting to pounce back on runescape once this update is made... I sure hope Jegax has an effective plan for this.
FF Kamon is not nonsense if they quit in protest they probaly would not rember a account names log in deatils from 3 years ago (they have not used) so they probably made a new account to vote.
3 days ago i was also against letting new people vote as it could be abused (people could make accounss just to multi vote)
but the fact is everyone dserves a say especially the people that felt so strongly in the first place they left the game over it.
05-Jan-2011 18:41:49
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05-Jan-2011 18:43:07
I don't understand how people like you haven't realised that JaGex obviously have a well thought out plan for combating this!
They are not stupid, they wouldn't do this if they thought it was going to ruin the game (their business)
woot past milion votes , i cant wait for free trade and wild!!!
Thanks jagex!!
anyway , all you haters , you just cant stand the thought that they actually make game better so you cant whine so much , all i can say is **** you
and you know what i mean , you think u make game better but you are the real reason why people dont want to play this fine game ... get a life .. Btw i know you will give me an answer but i wont read it anyway so dont bother.. i got mind of my own
**** HATERS!
LOVE YOU ALL!(Cept haters)
1mill votes bring it back already! im ******** my pants here 90% agrees? what u gonna do find another 1Mill army to outnumber the yes-votes! do you guys even f'ing want it or not? its so obvious YOU MUST RETURN IT RIGHT NOW u guys r playin with our nuts. 1st u took it all away without a warning now u play with us! come on u guys can easily update it! gargagrarga RAGIN MOFO IN HERE i'll go to your office i dont have an idea where the f it is cambridge orso and i'll update it myself.!!!!!!!!!!!! GRAAAAAAAAAR I WANNE STAKE MY BANK IDC IF I'D LOSE IT... GIMMEEEEEEEEEEE
@ FredUP
"but the fact is everyone dserves a say especially the people that felt so strongly in the first place they left the game over it. "
I can agree with you there, mostly because the change to the wilderness update came with no warning at all. We didnt get a vote, an opinion, or a clue for wilderness change.
i agree with Human_Drag0n im sure
jagex has thought long and hard about the possiblys of rwt and botting with the new update
and have thought of ways to counter it already.
but im still not for the update before people get the wrong idea lol
yeah we were all outraged when they took the wilderness away from us because gold farmers, item sellers, scammers, and cheats. Well now it's OUR turn to say what WE want! AND WE DID! Over one Million votes and still going strong, Jagex PLEASE bring it back, as you can see we all (most of us) want it and it would be terribly insulting if it wasn't broughten back just because over one million people took the time out of their day to vote and do the poll, and i mean come on... we support jagex just by paying membership fee's and the jagex shop
, i think we deserve to get what we spend our money for. RIGHT GUYS?!
Oh, yeah, the RWT's still did RWT'ing even after the update, so they had more time to fullproof a system on how to do it and fix up the bots and what-not's. Besides they didn't run the game, they just made more money that jagex did LOL.
05-Jan-2011 18:47:33
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05-Jan-2011 18:50:54