If the wildy is to revert to the bad old days, please specify the rules. In the bad old days pkers did not have access to the powerful new weapons that have been released over the last couple of years.
Ever since it was discovered a low combat person could take out nomad with spirit kyatts, these summon creatures have been used by pkers. The wildy will not be a level playing field - the imbalance too great - the risk too high. Such that non pkers will not go there. No clue, no penguin, no adze, no Bork will be worth the risk of 1 hit kills from pk ambushes with claws, chaotic weapons, overload potions and summoning creatures. The 'good old wildy' days will only be that if the new game content of the last few years is TOTALLY removed from it.
To non pkers the current fuss is about pkers wanting to beat us up and steal our stuff as we go about having fun in rs. They (pkers) are bored, not bothering to try out all the great game content that has been able to be developed, because resources were not diverted to fighting RWT, saying its no fun if we cant kill the skillers. Why cant they kill other pkers - oh thats too scary, other pkers know how to fught back and might me!! No rs is only fun if we can kill noobs and skillers and steal their stuff.
I've enjoyed masses of the new game content over the last couple of years and was over the moon when old wildy and free trading was restricted. We were promised that no matter what it was not coming back.
The main argument seems to be that pkers want bigger loot and easier kills. Killing other pkers is too hard and risky, they want easier kills. Change the reward system in pk and bounty hunter worlds then, dont mess with the great game rs has become in non pk worlds.
This whole debate has become destructive and rs will lose players either way now. This was a very badly thought out move - it should have been left dead as we were promised all those years ago.
26-Dec-2010 18:29:12