I've been playing runescape ever since I was in highschool...before the yoyo. This game was so fun and exciting when we had free trade and the wild. Ever since it has been taken out, the game doesn't seem so enjoyable....most of the time I log in, stand around at a bank deciding what I want to do, then just end up logging out.
Prices are so outrageous that normal players can't even train their skills effectively, all because of the GE. The GE would be the greatest thing if it just didn't have the price caps and we could set our own price somehow.
I liked training prayer when dragon bones were 1-2k each...but now at over 5k for just a single bone, you can't really get anywhere unless you spend everything you have, and people without a lot of money can't train it at all. Sure you have the option of getting the bones yourself, but it would take ages just to get enough bones to begin to get anywhere with it.
I can't help friends when they want to train a skill but can't afford the supplies, I can no longer give birthday or christmas presents, or let my friends borrow my items because you can't lend over 1 item and then when you do you can't borrow one in return.
I can't wait until everything returns to normal, to the way it used to be....returns to the game that I know and love.
Without free trade and wildy, there is just something hugely 'bleh' about the game.
This is the only online game I play, but ever since taking away free trade and wildy, I play it out of habit rather than the love of the game.
26-Dec-2010 17:08:56