There was a lot of mean-spirited stuff that emerged from the old system and I was glad when it was removed. There are a lot of people who tried to convince me to leave rs because it was full of p-killing, ruthless little kids. I think that people will always complain no matter what is brought in, and pvp clans will always be happy to see more potential revenue in the form of t trailers, skillers or unsuspecting noobs. I like that pvp is in its own world and its own place where everyone knows what's at risk. I like that I can operate in the wilderness without people tactically planning how to kill me as I light beacons or complete t trails. I was devastated whenever I was runecrafting and a bunch of pvp-ers would kill me and take my amulet of glory. The effort for me to earn that glory was nothing compared to the effort for them to kill me and take it.
I object to free trade and the wildy being listed in the same vote. Everyone knows that the price-fixing clans are a problem and that free trade would be a welcome change in many ways (save for all the scamming, though). One evil for another? Will we go back to free armour trimming? What about the "whips vs d longs" scammers? I think players have many opportunities to kill each other in the various mini games, the only difference with the wildy back is that they do it for profit. With the skills brought in specifically to drain the player-hoarded gp (con, summon) why would you want to bring back pvp so rich players get richer and the less combat-blessed are maligned? Keep pvp the way it is. Do what you want with the trade system.
22-Dec-2010 16:49:53