
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Mainac Devil
Apr Member 2007

Mainac Devil

Posts: 162 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It amazes me that in less than 24 hours they say 1.2 million have voted on a petition.... Yet in that same period of time those who in favor only have 300k votes now???
Yes it is very easy to manipulate as any person with a brain can see...Now what is going on is this...those that want it back are using the accounts they created for this vote and using them again but the difference is they can not bot it like they did before, and the honest players...well that tells it all we refuse to be dishonest so it looks like our good charactor will be defeated by the evil.And most of the people that like the game the way it is have no real clue what is fixing to happen will be in total shock and disbelief and your forums will be flooded with comments.
I ask Runescape this...You say you are against rule breaking....You say you want a clean game....It looks like you will bring back the dishonesty and hatered you once condemmed....And yet there is a simple solution to the whole problem.....and that is to make "Seperate Worlds" for each and every players taste in the game....I fear you do not wish to do this because if you do.... it will be just like the pvp and bounty worlds now....and people will be able to see that AGAIN...more people will be logged into the worlds the way it is now and and less in the old way! Just as it is now!
I beg you to reconsider a total overhaul and make EVERYONE HAPPY!

26-Dec-2010 14:40:03 - Last edited on 26-Dec-2010 14:51:43 by Mainac Devil



Posts: 198 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
seeing as you never played runescape before 2007 (judging from your timid attitude and lack of wildy knowledge)im just going to ignore your post as commenting on specific flaws would just be degrading to me.
anyways the people have voted, deal with it like a man, or leave like a scared girl.
this is a democracy, not a compromise.
oh and everyone is "happy" 90% is alot of happy people man...nor sure about you..
8% of unhappy nerds deserve a total overhaul? pppffffffttt please...

26-Dec-2010 14:45:24 - Last edited on 26-Dec-2010 14:46:33 by Deadlysins

Mainac Devil
Apr Member 2007

Mainac Devil

Posts: 162 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
2l8 2tele ..... You have no clue...I have been playing this game alot longer than 2007....and as far as a brain.... you can tell you are one of those I talk about...multiple loggers....and if you really believe its 90% and that all of the people have voted or will vote..then I suggest you see the Wizard (of Oz) for a brain! If the wild comes back.... I will look for you and see how fast you run before you die if I catch you in the wild! :)

26-Dec-2010 14:57:21 - Last edited on 26-Dec-2010 14:58:00 by Mainac Devil



Posts: 198 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
maniac have you been on the front page recently? we have 90% of the votes, thats a fact and crying wont change it.
also why wait till wildy comes back i have an account for every combat range, so if you want to fight im always ready. id like to see a scared person like you fight me.(in bh)
thats beside the fact. we have the majority voe by a long shot. its going to happen, so go cry in another game runescape is about to became really dangerous for nerds like you.

26-Dec-2010 15:04:54

Mainac Devil
Apr Member 2007

Mainac Devil

Posts: 162 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
2l8 2tele
Again you fail to open that closed mind .... If you think 90% is correct...go take a peek at the PVP worlds right now...that tells the real truth as to what people really want!
This vote is a farce!
By looking at those meager stats of yours ... a person with no defence no prayer and low HP (const) "easy prey"! and you want to walk in the wild? LMAO...looks like you are one of those that need clan help to survive! haha...anyways...I am not saying do not bring it back.... what I am saying is Runescape can make everyone happy by making both ways a way to play.... This allows FREEDOM OF CHOICE!
Can't wait to catch you in the Wild :)

26-Dec-2010 15:08:23 - Last edited on 26-Dec-2010 15:19:46 by Mainac Devil

Saint 8

Saint 8

Posts: 359 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If we'd had a choice back then, wildy and free trade never would have changed. Is the game going to be anywhere near the same as it was? nope, but having the game back close to the way it should be has always been an exciting thought for those who actually played before the g.e., trade limitations, and Wilderness changes.
For those complaining about clue scrolls, rune rocks, etc... We managed back then, you can manage just as well, simply don't be stupid about it.

26-Dec-2010 15:34:11 - Last edited on 26-Dec-2010 15:35:34 by Saint 8



Posts: 198 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
wait so you think half the people who voted are currently playing? thats very shallow of you lol. most of the voters are the majority of people who left runescape and voted because its coming back. and obviously that trumps the 8% of people like you.
on a serious note if the vote was 60-40 then maybe your point would be valid lol, but even if you get 10k more people to vote no on the poll, you still dont have a chance.
and btw i am known as a vesta pure.
i am 20 attk 99 str 1 def 71 hp 73 range 74 mage and 31 prayer.
and i still manage to pull all that off at only 60 combat.
i just bought 6 corrupt vesta longs, so im going to destroy anyone in my level range.
but if you want to fight my main look him up.
"offensive"-original name from 2001

26-Dec-2010 15:42:11



Posts: 1,125 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Again you fail to open that closed mind .... If you think 90% is correct...go take a peek at the PVP worlds right now...that tells the real truth as to what people really want!
Lol you are just enforcing the point that we need the old wildy back. If 90% of the votes are in favour of pking and the pvp worlds are empty well that says 1 thing. Pvp worlds suck, we need old wildy back.O by the way when it comes back if u wanna stake ur bank i'll gladly match it :)

26-Dec-2010 15:44:54

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