Drag0n, judging by your stats, I'd be very quiet.
and @2tele, you are not the person to say dont be selfish after I read ur post.
And I wonder why are there 25skills in game, if its "made for pkers" as you people seem to claim. Pkers need like 5 of them.. Yes those skills are for SKILLING which is the whole idea of the game. Pking is just one aspect.
26-Dec-2010 09:17:20
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26-Dec-2010 09:24:13
Sir Tissi
who did you quote? because i never said "made for skillers"
anyways if you want to go down that road lets go.
back before god ars and tds, pking was the only reason why people skilled.
logs=weapons= pking
crafting and smithing=armour= pkers.
etc etc etc
find any skill in the game (other than the really new ones, .ie constuction and summoning) and see if they are not directly linked to the demands of pkers.
skilling is the supply to the demand that is pking
get it? supply on demand?
so if the demand is gone what happens to the supply? it turns to crap.
that is why people get bored of runescape. they get all these stats and they cant do anything because pvp and bh are overcrowded.
runescape needs freedom, and alot of skillers dont like freedom they're complacent with how it is now, but complacency is the enemy of freedom my friend.
so before you make up quotes, read my post, and lets make respectable responses.
26-Dec-2010 10:28:20
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26-Dec-2010 10:31:50
Ok lets see... Skills that are not directly linked are like agility, firemaking, slayer, thieving, (hunter, farming, dung, summ, const)
And if you see it as skillers get you supplies, why are people still "**** you noob skillers stop whining" you couldnt pk without skillers then.
26-Dec-2010 11:01:40
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26-Dec-2010 11:02:56
Sir Tissi
Wow, the world just revolves around you PKers, doesnt it?
This is the reason Runescape seems so deserted to them. They apparently never set foot outside a PVP world.
Change your name to "Narcissus" if it's available, or else try "Self centered" or "Egotist."
Ever heard of "monsters?" I think I may have seen some people killing those once. I wonder if those players might have needed food or money to buy armor and weapons...
Oh, and the term is "supply AND demand."
Quote: "it is obvious that there are more pkers than skillers as populating of bots takes out the need for skillers (fact)" [sic]
Well with facts like these and attitudes like these, I'll give you one thing:
You certainly are representative of the "yes" faction...
26-Dec-2010 11:06:00
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26-Dec-2010 11:19:31
Nono soon they will say those players you accidently saw killing monsters were killing monsters so people could pk. Dont provoke them or their ego gets bigger.
hey guys,
i heard from peeple that this hole vote action,is just a try to make a record. the said the wildy and free trade will never come back.
well runescape: if u guys do this, every1 will lost his trust in u .
is it a record try or not?
please answer me.
merry x mis
Big question why did you put the Yes ,No, don't care vote hidden in such a way when you sign in on the front page alot of people don't even know that it is there to vote on where you have to slide past 4 or 5 other things that are there untill you finally see that there is a vote there. Why don't you put it some where on the front page so everyone can see that there is a vote about this important change in Runescape which I know there are alot of people out there don't want the wild or free trade back instead of hiding that there is a Yes and No vote available for everyone to vote on?
Big question why did you put the Yes ,No, don't care vote hidden in such a way when you sign in on the front page alot of people don't even know that it is there to vote on where you have to slide past 4 or 5 other things that are there untill you finally see that there is a vote there. Why don't you put it some where on the front page so everyone can see that there is a vote about this important change in Runescape which I know there are alot of people out there don't want the wild or free trade back instead of hiding that there is a Yes and No vote available for everyone to vote on?
That is the stupidest post I have ever read.
Jagex obviously aren't doing a very good job of "hiding" the poll, seeing as 411,764 people have voted on it.
@ad , but to see the results of the vote you have to log in.
I believe all he was saying was why not have the percentages already there. Jagex has made it so you have to log in even to see the results thus far. Why not have the results showing and have to log in only to actually vote?