I totally want those things back, my only problem is that I think worlds will get more crowded.... I'm ***hting every bit to get those logs from the tree, to get that ore out of that rock, to just walk around without it being crowded everywhere.
I think that with the (if so) coming back of the wildi and free trade, old and/or new players will be attracted to be playing again, thus resulting into more crowded worlds, less
playing space.
Furthermore I hear a lot of rumors about this being fake, and its just for a record. I would like an answer on that as well.
As I have in real-life friends whom I know they bot, and sell their account (of whom I don't know the in game names) to other people... They are selling away your property. If thats a big problem to you, you shouldn't even consider bringing back the old ways of trading/pvp'ing.
Since, if we get back the wildi and free trade, you can never entirely predict what will happen as soon as it is brought back, I suggest you do a month with the new update. You probably already considered that, but its just a reminder because (well of course it is your property) it would look very strange if you make an update, and in a month change it back because you don't really like it.
Why I joined your community... Well it's a great game with an even greater staff... but really dont mess up with this one please...
Yours sincerely, Side by Side. -look it from a different *id*
25-Dec-2010 11:25:42