I'm interested in how supporters reconcile two apparently contradictory arguments they frequently use:
1) Bringing back the wildy will be great because a ton of people that quit when it went away will come back. OMG don't you know PKing is the heart and soul of runescape; everybody who plays (90% now supposedly) loves to PK. It'll be fun cause twice as many people will be online at a time than there is now.
2) What are all you chicken crybabies worrying about, with PVP wildys on every world all the PKers will be spread across all the servers; there'll only be a few per world, you'll see fewer of them than Revs now. All you have to do is only bring 3 items and run like crazy every time you see a white dot, unless of course more than one attacks you at once in which case you're dead.
So which is it?
Half the planet just can't wait to strap on their Dragon Claws and kill people just the way it used to be? (reread that sentence and meditate on the inherent contradiction)
Or, it's no big deal, you probably won't run into many anyway?
Personally, I don't like being "alpha'd" whether I lose any items or not, or whether I am just forced to run away. And I guarantee the only times I'll be going into the wildy, if I die I'll be losing items, because it will only be for quests and clue scrolls which are essentially irreplaceable.
The immature bullies just want to impose their will on those of us who just want to go about our business. You want to see how immature? Skim through this thread just noting the NAMES of people on either side. Then make another pass to sample the quality of arguments and attitudes on either side.
I know this is happening whether a majority of us wanted it or not. (And I'm still not sure if even a simple majority do; ain't no chance 90% of people do)
I REALLY like Dan1101's suggestion a few pages back, though it won't happen. Friends list, Ignore list, S*** list. Or call it Revenge list; anyone who kills you goes on and can't hide from it.
25-Dec-2010 06:46:30
- Last edited on
25-Dec-2010 06:53:30