Like several other people, I think we should have a few more choices than just two. I don't think the Wilderness and Free Trade should be packaged as one option.
I would prefer the Free trade return, but I like the current setup of the Wilderness in game as it is. I think leaving the Free Trade and Wilderness separate would be best. So, the voting should have have Free Trade alone, the combo, nothing, and Wilderness alone as the minimum amount of choices.
Should the Wilderness come back, because of course everyone wants free trade again, I will agree with Zypher X in the 3rd post on page 500. He had a very good idea for the structure of the Wilderness when (if isn't going to be a question if Jagex is being truthful because free trade will be voted back) it comes back.
Good idea Zypher X, page 500, 3rd post.
24-Dec-2010 22:16:08