- Heero1576
"Johny you completely missed my point with my post, I'm a 2005 player I know why the revs were introduced. I'm saying keep the revs to make the wilderness truely dangerous, make the pkers work for their kills when hunting newbs. A newbie hunt is a popular thing from what I am seeing many pkers in game chat talk about. There's no skill in hunting newbies."
I dont why why you feel the need to state that you are 2005 player. I dont care about your year, just your opinion on the matter.
newbie hunt? There is no such thing. There is NO clan in the wilderness that spends hours, circling varrock ditch in level 1, to hills at lvl 20, to grater demons way the hell in the back of the wilderness, looking for "newbies".
Pkers pk to pk pkers. What would these "newbies" be doing in the wilderness? Walking around with santa and party hats for a nice stroll in the wilderness? Site seeing with thier expensive items on just for fun? NO. You would really see a "Newbie" worth killing in the wilderness
"Keeping revs with pkers gives newbies a better chance and I can get my laughs watching an orc rev chase down a pker looking for an easy kill. It seems 90% of people want old wilds to return to pkers so lets make it really interesting leaving an npc that will hunt the pkers waiting for easy kills."
It seems like you only want revs back, not for the benifit of the game, but to add hardship to pkers for your own enjoyment. Atleast 60% of that 90% are Pkers, who want to PK. Risking against each other, fighting out thier battles and claiming thier well earned reward. The wilderness is not full of people looking for easy pray.
Pkers bumb into pkers more often than easy kills.
"For all you players that want your clue scrolls, **D, and other popular monster hunts They have always been in the wilds way before pvp was taken away. There is no reason for jagex to move something that has always been there pvp..."
05-Jan-2011 15:59:26
- Last edited on
05-Jan-2011 16:03:13