
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Heero1576 said:
"I say keep the revs, make the game really 'fun' for pkers and let them have to watch their back never knowing if something is going to come outa nowhere. Everyone voting yes seem to remember how great things were the rush of not knowing if you were going to die, 'O no revs are so irritating let me have pkers they were easier to avoid.'"
"Pkers want the thrill to kill everyone and skillers love the thrill of seeing pkers ****** and loose everything. Keep the revs keep the danger make it a truely forsaken land."
Are you retarted? Do you even know why revs were introduced into the game? To replace the danger of pkers. Now that pkers can freely pk again, why would we want to keep the revs?
Its called reward vs risk. NO ONE wants to waste food, pots, bolts, arrows, runes, or time killing revs just to get some crap gp drop.
Also, explain to me how pkers want to kill skillers? HOW is it convient to skill in the wilderness? WHO skills in the wilderness? WHERE, and WHY? it doesnt make any sence me to.
Pkers pk for pkers. I for one, dont run around the wilderness hoping to find someone cutting dead trees or mining coal in the wilderness so i can kill them. There is no reward to it, and it sure aint fun wasting your pk stuff on people who dont have nothing.
keep your retarted rant comments to yourself pl0x

05-Jan-2011 15:00:31



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@ Queen Beach
" old wildy when i did clues i was attacked every single time....EVERY single time ........ And talking to was the same for them. And same ppl doing clues kicked the mage to death rather than risk losing items to pkers."
Then you must be the most unlucky person on runescape. serious, doing clue scrolls was never that difficult. Learn to make that log out button your best friend.
I use to do clue scrolls all the time in the old wilderness and i dont remember running into any trouble with a pker.

05-Jan-2011 15:07:01



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Dantes Tears said:
"...the reason i am against this is jagex has consistently failed time and time again to fight botting and subsequently rwt.
if you think this will bring back the greater whiny annoying rude and obnoxious players of the community you are correct.... but only for a short while. this game is heading for the trash when hs means nothing and botters run rs."
Jagex said they have plans for combating rwt. why not give it a chance? This game is taking a turn for the better as you can clearly see a majority, 90% (Thats over 800k players) voted yes.

05-Jan-2011 15:20:01



Posts: 1,141 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Mystic Monad
Pkers killing skillers:
For one, in the old wildy pkers hung out near the Zamorak mage north of Edgeville killing rcers using the abyss for their glories.

Thats actually a smart idea, and would work too if people didnt always run with just 3 items (or 4 with protect 1 item prayer on). It would be hard to get a glory that way. If there was a pker in that world, you could always switch.

05-Jan-2011 15:23:42



Posts: 565 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
johney525 lol If there was A pker you could hop? There were loads pkers collecting ess and glories from runecrafters who were skulled by having been in the abyss and so dropped everything, and it was running the gauntlet every trip.

05-Jan-2011 15:28:54 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2011 15:29:26 by Silmaryllon

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