To be greatly honest, if you have not looked recently at the vote counter it is off the charts. There are over one million votes, or should I say well over one million votes. I think this speaks loudly, about what the Runescape community as a whole wants done. I know not everyone would be happy with this update, as their are always people unhappy with even the greatest updates (this would imo be the best yet). I think with this particular month being the holiday season and given how alot of people are free of work and schooling, thus time to play and time to enjoy Runescape; that you Jagex should award us early with this great update so we can enjoy our time off playing our favorite MMORPG, with the ability to freely trade among our community and to get back to our roots of pking in the old wildy. I'm sure this will make alot of people turn up their nose, but this opp. is not out of impatiency only mere truth of the matter of the fact.I just think its obvious what the community as a whole wants and I think this could net massive amounts of membership renewal across the community, given wan*e again it being the time of the year we all tend to have free time to play games =). Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year! Jagex keep coming with your great updates and expansions to this already wonderful game.
ilovekate 2007- previous
24-Dec-2010 07:42:55