It's funny how certain issues seem to bring out the uncivilized and immature players. Since I hadn't had occasion to read the forum rules in quite a while, I skimmed through them and found several passages that are highly relevant to this thread:
"You must not exploit, attempt to exploit, or advertise any errors/faults/bugs you encounter in our software. This includes giving other players step-by-step instructions on how to find and/or abuse them."
[other things not allowed:]
"Posting to say that you've broken a rule and got away with it.
"Anything that promotes rule breaking in a positive manner.
"In addition we will not tolerate any form of spamming, or other disruptive posting behaviour on the Forums."
End Quote.
And yes, I'm aware of the rule against "Back seat Modding," but I'm simply pointing out that while I've seen some posts get hidden, so I know there are forum mods going through the posts, they seem to need reminding of some of the basic rules of decorum here.
It's not fun wading through all the repetetive cut and paste spam on this thread, and the spam is clearly against the rules.
Also, the design of the poll is every bit as much "bugged" as things people get banned in game for exploiting, and whether posters are lying, mistaken or correct when they proudly admit to voting other people's names, their posts are also quite clearly against the rules.
If you're not going to enforce your own rules, don't have them.
And before someone reposts the claim that you can't vote fraudulently: There is a wealth of evidence on this thread that it is happening, and those of us against the idea are incapable of testing claims that it can't happen since testing would require us to vote yes (as if supporters haven't already voted for us all). I, for one, find it impossible to take anyone's word for it, since anyone with honest intentions wouldn't have designed the poll the way they did.
23-Dec-2010 19:06:22