You guys in jagex should ***** burn in hell.. From december 2010 runescape has just become suckyer, Only good update was hmmm rest ? This is ******* pathentic how u ******* ruined the game with the bh and pvp system, And the dragon claws and chaotic weapon.
Money is everything you guys think about, The age of the player gets lower and lower.
in 2007 no1 was in lvl 120+ with an age of 12 ? you made this game for 10 year old kids now, UR telling them everything, I had to find out things myself, I lured people, I got lured, We scammed, We got scammed. It still was the golden age of ******* runescape.
NOw u cant even find a world at green dragons which is not crowded by people with cannons.
and if that post about wildy and trade was fake i got one tips for you.
**** YOU ***EX ! - RJukan pride, 06 prod.
22-Dec-2010 10:19:55