I have played RS since 2000, and I remember having to stand in Varrock in order to buy ANYTHING, running back and forth until I finally found someone selling the item I wished to purchase. Similarly, whenever I wanted to sell ANYTHING, I would stand in Varrock advertising my item until someone found me in the throng of people. I have no desire to return to those days. Although I liked the wildy, & have many fond memories of pawning the unsuspecting players foolishly roaming around while my clan was on the hunt, if the wilderness has to come back with free trade I would rather pass. The merching clans will completely ruin the whole landscape of this game. The Grand Exchange is probably the best idea the development team has ever came up with.
As for this pathetically designed poll, the Jagex team should have just stated "we're bringing back free trade & the wilderness". First off, you don't even have to log in to vote. Since when has that EVER been the accepted method of voting for anything the developers were asking for input on? Secondly, you can just create a character and vote! So, someone who has never even killed a chicken or mined a piece of clay has as much say as a paying member or free player that has played the game for some time? And for those lacking in the comprehension department, if you put your name in, you've voted yes, when you may have been wanting to vote against this change. Dropping the ball is a huge understatement to describe this train wreck.
Jagex, you need to hit the reset button on this one, & relaunch the voting page with a for and against tab. But only do that after explaining the possible consequences to the game if it's rolled out. People are voting for the wildy, without thinking of how the dynamics of the game could be completely changed. Jagex needs to do a much better job of explaining how such a dramatic change could affect the game we know and love. I'm ok with whatever the outcome is, as long as the poll is well designed.
23-Dec-2010 03:37:26