Well, I've been making far too many posts as I read the Q&A thread, so I decided to stop quoting and commenting as I found things.
I'll just end by saying several of their answers make it sound like they aren't just reverting to the old wildy, they're giving even more advantages to PKers than before.
It sounds like ALL untradable items (except 3 assuming the victim is unskulled) are lost forever to the victim, and they'll all be converted to cash for the murderer, so the only way to keep PKers from profiting from your death is to take no more than 3 items period. So it's almost guaranteed if you're in the wildy to actually DO something (clue scroll, skill, quest, etc.) the victim loses what he was there to do AND the PKer gets to profit from his death, providing more incentive than BEFORE to attack skillers and clue scrollers. Apparently in the true old wildy, only some untradables converted to cash when they dropped, but that just wasn't generous enough to PKers.
And apparently teleporting away to avoid being murdered just isn't "cricket," don't you know, so now they're considering removing that possibility as well.
Time to stop referring to this update as "reversion" and start calling it "new, improved, PKer biased wildy"
23-Jan-2011 00:32:33