
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Posts: 126 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Reasons to clear up the unseen:
Many people on this forum seem to be against this based off these reasons listed:
Given these Negative responses from people on this topic I can only see that these people have had this happen to them or they have seen it happen. Now, noting that we can further assume, that these people giving Negative responses are being targeted with one of the tactics in the previous list. We can safely say that they were levels between 20-70 at the time they were presented with these kinds of tactics for their first time. Having ended badly, these players sought to having free trade and the wild removed due to the fact of what I have just explained.
Now, I have found the real reason to why people don't want it back:
They are fearful of the change.
Even though people are scared of this changing back into what Runescape was, they are still thinking scamming and luring are a threat to them. Yet, Jagex has put into place measures to counter-act scamming and luring with messages and displays. Players who don't heed these messages are therefore oblivious to what is happening and are penalized for their faults of not reading or paying attention.
RWT and Botting is taken care of by Jagex in their own fashion.
Having said that All Negative responses have been eliminated from this thread, rendering useless to anyone debating against this topic.
1.Free Trade allows players to express themselves
and stimulate the game.
2.Wild allows players to have excitement and fun playing the game.

02-Jan-2011 12:45:53

May Member 2023


Posts: 225 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i dont think this is something that will be extremely easy for jagex to do i think (and hope) they really do some serious planning for this before they just toss it into the game because in my opinion old wildy and old trade blew i just want to go out into the wildy to do a clue with out getting downed everytime i set foot into it.. and yes i know they said they are thinking about relocating it but these are some of the things that need careful consideration and whether or not jagex is willing to do to the game as for problems with free trade well... that one seems pretty easy... people are complaining about scammers and rwt and bots and such but the rwt'ers and the botters will be taken care of i have no doubt but people are always going to be complaining about getting scammed and sorry for you people who are complaining about it but jagex "cant fix stupid" :/

02-Jan-2011 12:48:42



Posts: 849 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pd 2011 im not aginst change im against change for the worse
i dont see any real benefits to bringing wildy and free trade back
they could make the pk worlds they have now give higher drops and the problem would be solved.
most people hate them as the rewards are way to low
but they want to go backwards to 3 years ago when the game was full of problems rather than look for better solutions to the player killing problems they have now

02-Jan-2011 12:49:48 - Last edited on 02-Jan-2011 12:51:25 by FredUp

W  3  S  T

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Posts: 238 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There are 10000x more people botting now than there ever was.... in 2007. Part of this is because of the free trade ban and the wilderness being taken away.
Alts can't get given money off the main, so they bot to make cash... And only have a few worlds for PVP makes the best players all stick together, so to be competative you need to bot 99 stats....
Taking away the wilderness and free trade has made botting SO common.

02-Jan-2011 12:53:59

Sep Member 2022


Posts: 14,783 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pd 2011,

I agree with your arguement but *here is one MAJOR fault in it.

Down at the bottom your reason for the wild was for excitment am I right?
Yes, I am.
Do we not already have entire PvP worlds AND Bounty worlds?

Yours sincerly,
Klaus Nourom.

02-Jan-2011 12:56:56



Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ok People listen you may say the vote is messed up but it doesn't matter because everyone i know wants the wildy and free trade back. This is why the wildy makes it fun and interesting if you get scammed go report him. If you die in the wildy there is reason you died 1 you were being a noob and attacking people higher levels than you 2 you didn't bring food but brought expensive stuff and crappy armour and 3 you didn't train or anything and ran out there thinking you could beat someone. I've said enough about pking now free trade. Your not going to die if you make 1 bad trade there will probable be more ways to figure out if your being scammed.

02-Jan-2011 12:57:07 - Last edited on 02-Jan-2011 12:57:31 by Nazzzby

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