Ooh, Mystic... The GWD point is a great one that would never occur to me as I only do solo stuff. (Explains a lot, doesn't that?)
Yeah, I said the same thing about untradables when I read the FAQ; they didn't answer the more important question. But I'm sure someone will get that one in there soon.
21-Jan-2011 19:03:34
... Jagex *intentionally* put it there during the days of the old wildy because the speed of abyss rcing was *supposed* to be offset by the danger of being pked ...
no, that was their excuse. jagex can make it dangerous enough without pkers to even the small advantage there is doing lower level runes, but they didnt for a completely different reason. the real reason they put it there was pkers were constantly complaining about how hard it was to make money in the wild. they begged and begged jagex to put things in the wild that would bring unarmored and unarmed skillers into their reach. i was in the forum a lot back then, and i argued against time and time again, to no avail. jagex kept putting more and more things in the wild to bring skillers within the sights of the pkers.
as long as we only had to deal with solo pkers or even a small group of them, it wasnt that big of a deal.
then death dots were invented and that was the end of that game.
...I don't think so. At most they get a glory...
at the time pking was removed, glories were 100k, and the got them with almost no trouble, about every 5 minutes or so. that means over 1m an hour with little effort, the most being world hopping when a clan member tells you that you have a good target in his world.
... you can often retrieve them after dying to a pker...
you mean by running unarmored and unarmed right into the same guy? if you take the time to get armed and amored the right way to stop him, the pouches are gone. you run out with out armor and weapons, and you dont make it to them. if you are lucky enough to get the righ armor for him real quick, his buddies are waiting with the other side of the pk triangle to get you.
in all the times ive been pked at the abyss, ive only manage to get them back once. the guy that pked me was fighting someone else when i arrived. i had time to grab my three biggest pouches before he pked me a second time.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
22-Jan-2011 03:04:21
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22-Jan-2011 03:11:09
..Next thing you know, the pker was dead and the runner was gloating about the loot and we were all having a good laugh--that is, if the pker didn't log. ...
that was in the days pre death dot. with a death dot, there is always a few people that can attack your attacker if you get too low. problem was, he couldnt find you in that stack of players. if he stopped to eat, he couldnt hit you again until after you hit him again, giving him several free shots.
no, the death dot was used at the abyss to create safe pking. there was so little risk of dying against a skiller that they laughed when someone tried.
21-Jan-2011 19:48:39
Also, what's going to happen to the agility course? Is it suddenly going to be dangerous to go without full PK gear just to do agility now ...
there are much better agility cources than the wildy one. both although they have slightly lower exps per round, both the gnome high agility and the dwarf high agility are fast enough to overcome that. if you do insist on doing that one, use the armor from the others to give you a chance to hide and log.
21-Jan-2011 19:57:55
...There's a new wilderness FAQ thread advertised on the front page ..
just read this and looked at that faq. with any luck, the abyss will remain in part that isnt pkable. it was a good bit of why they took pking our of all world before.
if so, then i feel i have one a small battle (hard fought as it was) and can retire from battle with honor.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
22-Jan-2011 03:14:57
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22-Jan-2011 03:48:00
Interesting insights into old wildy pking. I didn't go there often, and when I did it wasn't about PKing, it was just about getting attacked. I knew zero strategy and tactics. I thought death dots were just to gain surprise by masking your numbers. I didn't understand that they attacked FROM the dot keeping you from knowing who to attack and thus getting a one or two hit advantage til you could turn on autoretaliate or til it kicked in.
"...there was so little risk of dying against a skiller that they laughed when someone tried."
But then they always laughed. They laughed if you ran. They laughed if you fought. They even laughed if they lost. Basically they all thought they were just God's gift to coolness.
the thing is, they knew that they had little risk of losing. that was what the death (c) dots at the abyss was all about. yes, in deeper areas it might be about clan wars and such, but at the abyss, there was never clans to deal with, only the death dots.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
22-Jan-2011 04:09:31
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22-Jan-2011 04:10:17
I know RWT is always there, but the return of "Old Wildy" and free trade is simply encouraging them. Once they are back they don't need to do junk trade or whatsoever. All items are freely transferred between any accounts.
Not to mention the problem of scamming. Scammers (and botters and RWTers) making loads of multiple accounts just to trick others once again like in the "bad old days" could not rebuff this for their lives. Swapping out rune items for mithril items, etc. tricking others out of their hard work.
Only 10 days left I can't wait now revents are gunna drop the pvp ****f.
What I hate about this is that when you die you still get a grave stone but if you don't make it back in time people can pick up your stuff even if you demolish it by accident when ur pickin up the stuff they can see it that's lame
. Drop partys are also gunna come back those were very fun